4 years of heroics

Superheroes at cinema, 2016-2020

It's awesome the number of events that our friends and neighbours superheroes Marvel and DC both have in their comics, where each film, comic and videogame is a new enemy for humanity.


In this post will be speak of something about that you did read in other Website but if you didn't read nothing about it, I invite to for take you a little space of your time for read to this post. 


The companies creators of the superheroes must known of history of the comics they plan in each year that will launch one of his movies the history takes place in an event past or future of the official comics.


For this year, 2016 they left us all a very good mounth favor and where my opinion the best were, Batman vs Superman, DeadPool y Capitain America "Civil War", also with some loser in many times is by the review, by the guilt of censored scenes as is in the case of Suicide Squad, by changing somewhat "ugly" look of the characters,

which in this case and not only talk about Suicide Squad and criticized "Joker Swagger" also talk about the new uniform Spiderman "Civil War" I ask myself in the chair in the room of the movie, if they designed it with clay or clay in 3D.


Even by 2016 we still have 4 more than 2 films are now in the rooms, other than by the look "freak, snobby, universatario Yale" of the new film XMEN, but on the other hand it is normal that the most serious characters they have run out of renewal for a new role for filming and production issues with the old characters.


Here you have a list of "super movies" of 2016-2020.